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Early Bird Special on Premium Membership

Platinum (Early Bird Special)

$888/Year ($74/Month)  0r 

$285/Quarter ($95/Month) 

Most popular membership offering free open play, discounted reservations and additional perks



Best Value With Free Open Play, Free Court Reservations, Complimentary wellness sessions, Guest Passes, and discounts


Non-members are welcome, however, membership provides a ton of value

Flexibility to use the facility and pay as you go

1. Sauna, cold-plunge, and hydromassage sessions are per month
2. Free indoor court reservations are subject to court availability, limited to up to two hours per day, other restrictions may apply
3. pricing for indoor court reservation differs if not all attendees are of the same membership tier
4. members are able to reserve 10 days in advance
5. reservations can be changed up to 6 hours to the reservation time. Late Cancellation fees equivalent to 50% of reservation fees applied to cancellations that are within 6 hours of the reserved time. No shows subject to 100% of reservation fees.